Frequently Ask Questions

Do you ship anywhere else?

No, we don’t ship outside of Gibraltar. However, if you message us we may be able to arrange to meet you somewhere within Gibraltar!

Do you offer other delivery options?

No. We are a group of 4 people and don’t want to charge you for shipping, so all our items are hand delivered. If you’re looking for a specific time, date or location for your delivery please message us and we’ll be happy to discuss options.

When do you restock your products?

We have no specific dates set to restock, but if you really want something specific, send us a message so we know to get some more. Don’t forget to follow us on social media to find out when new orders arrive, including shiny new products!

Do you make these dice yourself?

Dice are the only product we do not make ourselves. Maps and Minis (currently Sunday Market exclusive) are printed in-house with both original and licensed designs.

Will you offer other products in future?

It’s entirely possible! We can’t wait to start expanding Dragons and Druids into new and exciting ventures. We have our sights set on board games, cosplay and even more TTRPG accessories, so follow us on social media to keep up with our journey!

Why do you only deliver between x times?

Until Dragons and Druids grows large enough, we still have to manage our existing commitments, including our jobs and studies. We fit our delivery times around them, but hope to expand them as Dragons and Druids grows.

Also, we don’t deliver on Tuesdays because, as we are total D&D nerds, we play our home game on Tuesday evenings!

I designed a product, will you consider selling it?

It is unlikely at the moment; being a start-up, we are trying to keep things simple and streamlined and, therefore, are sticking to our current partners and suppliers. It is a wonderful idea though, and definitely something we will look into in the future! Drop us an email at and we’ll keep you in mind as we plan our expansion.

Do you charge for delivery?

No! One of the biggest things we wanted out of Dragons and Druids was to get rid of all the delivery and import costs of buying TTRPG accessories whilst in Gibraltar. We will never charge for delivery as long as we are an online business.